Business Glossary
This plugin pulls business glossary metadata from a yaml-formatted file. An example of one such file is located in the examples directory here.
CLI based Ingestion
Install the Plugin
pip install 'acryl-datahub[datahub-business-glossary]'
Starter Recipe
Check out the following recipe to get started with ingestion! See below for full configuration options.
For general pointers on writing and running a recipe, see our main recipe guide.
type: datahub-business-glossary
# Coordinates
file: /path/to/business_glossary_yaml
enable_auto_id: true # recommended to set to true so datahub will auto-generate guids from your term names
# sink configs if needed
Config Details
- Options
- Schema
Note that a .
is used to denote nested fields in the YAML recipe.
Field | Description |
file ✅ One of string, string(path) | File path or URL to business glossary file to ingest. |
enable_auto_id boolean | Generate guid urns instead of a plaintext path urn with the node/term's hierarchy. Default: False |
The JSONSchema for this configuration is inlined below.
"title": "BusinessGlossarySourceConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"file": {
"title": "File",
"description": "File path or URL to business glossary file to ingest.",
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"format": "path"
"enable_auto_id": {
"title": "Enable Auto Id",
"description": "Generate guid urns instead of a plaintext path urn with the node/term's hierarchy.",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
Business Glossary File Format
The business glossary source file should be a .yml file with the following top-level keys:
Glossary: the top level keys of the business glossary file
Example Glossary:
version: 1 # the version of business glossary file config the config conforms to. Currently the only version released is `1`.
source: DataHub # the source format of the terms. Currently only supports `DataHub`
owners: # owners contains two nested fields
users: # (optional) a list of user IDs
- njones
groups: # (optional) a list of group IDs
- logistics
url: "" # (optional) external url pointing to where the glossary is defined externally, if applicable
nodes: # list of child **GlossaryNode** objects. See **GlossaryNode** section below
GlossaryNode: a container of GlossaryNode and GlossaryTerm objects
Example GlossaryNode:
- name: Shipping # name of the node
description: Provides terms related to the shipping domain # description of the node
owners: # (optional) owners contains 2 nested fields
users: # (optional) a list of user IDs
- njones
groups: # (optional) a list of group IDs
- logistics
nodes: # list of child **GlossaryNode** objects
knowledge_links: # (optional) list of **KnowledgeCard** objects
- label: Wiki link for shipping
url: ""
GlossaryTerm: a term in your business glossary
Example GlossaryTerm:
- name: FullAddress # name of the term
description: A collection of information to give the location of a building or plot of land. # description of the term
owners: # (optional) owners contains 2 nested fields
users: # (optional) a list of user IDs
- njones
groups: # (optional) a list of group IDs
- logistics
term_source: "EXTERNAL" # one of `EXTERNAL` or `INTERNAL`. Whether the term is coming from an external glossary or one defined in your organization.
source_ref: FIBO # (optional) if external, what is the name of the source the glossary term is coming from?
source_url: "" # (optional) if external, what is the url of the source definition?
inherits: # (optional) list of **GlossaryTerm** that this term inherits from
- Privacy.PII
contains: # (optional) a list of **GlossaryTerm** that this term contains
- Shipping.ZipCode
- Shipping.CountryCode
- Shipping.StreetAddress
custom_properties: # (optional) a map of key/value pairs of arbitrary custom properties
- is_used_for_compliance_tracking: true
knowledge_links: # (optional) a list of **KnowledgeCard** related to this term. These appear as links on the glossary node's page
- url: ""
label: Wiki link
domain: "urn:li:domain:Logistics" # (optional) domain name or domain urn
To see how these all work together, check out this comprehensive example business glossary file below:
Example business glossary file
version: 1
source: DataHub
- mjames
url: ""
- name: Classification
description: A set of terms related to Data Classification
- label: Wiki link for classification
url: ""
- name: Sensitive
description: Sensitive Data
is_confidential: false
- name: Confidential
description: Confidential Data
is_confidential: true
- name: HighlyConfidential
description: Highly Confidential Data
is_confidential: true
domain: Marketing
- name: PersonalInformation
description: All terms related to personal information
- mjames
- name: Email
## An example of using an id to pin a term to a specific guid
## See "how to generate custom IDs for your terms" section below
# id: "urn:li:glossaryTerm:41516e310acbfd9076fffc2c98d2d1a3"
description: An individual's email address
- Classification.Confidential
- Trust and Safety
- name: Address
description: A physical address
- name: Gender
description: The gender identity of the individual
- Classification.Sensitive
- name: Shipping
description: Provides terms related to the shipping domain
- njones
- logistics
- name: FullAddress
description: A collection of information to give the location of a building or plot of land.
- njones
- logistics
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- Privacy.PII
- Shipping.ZipCode
- Shipping.CountryCode
- Shipping.StreetAddress
- Housing.Kitchen.Cutlery
- is_used_for_compliance_tracking: true
- url: ""
label: Wiki link
domain: "urn:li:domain:Logistics"
- label: Wiki link for shipping
url: ""
- name: ClientsAndAccounts
description: Provides basic concepts such as account, account holder, account provider, relationship manager that are commonly used by financial services providers to describe customers and to determine counterparty identities
- finance
- name: Account
description: Container for records associated with a business arrangement for regular transactions and services
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- Classification.HighlyConfidential
- ClientsAndAccounts.Balance
- name: Balance
description: Amount of money available or owed
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- name: Housing
description: Provides terms related to the housing domain
- mjames
- interior
- name: Colors
description: "Colors that are used in Housing construction"
- name: Red
description: "red color"
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- name: Green
description: "green color"
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- name: Pink
description: pink color
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- name: WindowColor
description: Supported window colors
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- Housing.Colors.Red
- Housing.Colors.Pink
- name: Kitchen
description: a room or area where food is prepared and cooked.
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- name: Spoon
description: an implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food.
term_source: "EXTERNAL"
source_ref: FIBO
source_url: ""
- Housing.Kitchen
- url: ""
label: Wiki link
Source file linked here.
Generating custom IDs for your terms
IDs are normally inferred from the glossary term/node's name, see the enable_auto_id
config. But, if you need a stable
identifier, you can generate a custom ID for your term. It should be unique across the entire Glossary.
Here's an example ID:
id: "urn:li:glossaryTerm:41516e310acbfd9076fffc2c98d2d1a3"
A note of caution: once you select a custom ID, it cannot be easily changed.
Compatible with version 1 of business glossary format. The source will be evolved as we publish newer versions of this format.
Code Coordinates
- Class Name:
- Browse on GitHub
If you've got any questions on configuring ingestion for Business Glossary, feel free to ping us on our Slack.